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Unlock Your Italian Heritage With Document Concierge Assistance

Embrace your Italian roots with ease! We handle the paperwork, so you can focus on the exciting possibilities that await.

From genealogy to final translation, we ensure your Italian citizenship application is submission ready:

Meticulous Research: We delve into your family history, identifying all necessary Italian and US documents.


Expert Verification: Our team ensures every document meets consulate, comune and court requirements, avoiding delays.


Seamless Preparation: We handle apostilles, translations, and certifications, saving you time and hassle.


Clear Guidance: We prepare you for every step, from application forms to interview preparation.

Peace of mind is paramount. With our expertise, you'll receive:

Personalized Attention: We tailor our services to your specific case, ensuring nothing gets missed.


Transparency & Communication: We keep you informed throughout the process, answering your questions promptly.


Stress-Free Support: We handle the complexities, allowing you to focus on your Italian dreams.


Our Document Preparation Concierge Service Includes: 

✔ Professional, dedicated project manager

✔ Secure Client Portal: secure, personalized hub to access your case with up-to-date details, files and more

✔ US genealogy research to identify vital records, dates, locations and names

✔ Italy genealogy research to identify vital records, dates, locations and names

✔ Request of required Italian documents (invoiced separately)

✔ Request of required US documents (invoiced separately)

✔ Comprehensive vital record review (for inconsistencies which may need amendments)

✔ Document inconsistency correction (evaluated on a case by case basis)

✔ Acquisition of apostilles (invoiced separately)

✔ Shipping fees of documents from records offices (invoiced separately)

✔ Translation of US documents to Italian (invoiced separately)

✔ Certification of translations (Apply in Italy & court cases only) (invoiced separately)

✔ Preparation call prior to consulate appointment or arrival in Italy

✔ Preparation of all application forms required

✔ Ongoing assistance to meet any additional requests from consulate, court or comune

✔ Follow up with comune to ensure registration is complete and request Italian records

✔ Post citizenship recognition - AIRE registration and passport

Ready to embark on your Italian journey?


Contact us today and let's make your dual citizenship a reality!

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